Does Life Have Any True Meaning?


Unveiling the True Meaning of Life: A Path to Happiness and Spiritual Awakening

In moments of uncertainty and adversity, one question echoes within us: Does life have true meaning? Discover the essence of existence and embark on a transformative journey of self-inquiry to unravel life's ultimate purpose.

Does Life Have True Meaning?

There is a deep knowing within us that asks this question in times of doubt and suffering, yet apart from those circumstances we remain perfectly convinced. What is the answer? Yes, of course life has meaning, but how do we know this is true?

Self-inquiry reveals the answers that you seek because you don’t have a life, you are a critical component of the substance of which life is. Ask yourself 3 questions--


The Essence of True Knowing

1.      What do I know to be ultimately true?

As you go deeper you realize, it is not that today is sunny because today is not always sunny. It may be true at this moment, but not ultimately true. What is true does not change. Go deeper.

You may say I have a body and a mind. Yet the body grows from 10lbs to 150lbs and still you are there. The mind changes from day to day and still you are there.  Therefore the body-mind is not the ultimate truth of who you are. If you are paralyzed or have Alzheimer’s, the essential you is still there. Continue the inner journey to explore the essence of ultimate truth through self-inquiry and introspection.


Unveiling the Truth of Self

2.      What is the truth of who I am?

A physical life has 6 stages which varies from person to person, but all experience the first and the last. There’s birth, childhood, young adult, middle age, aging and death. Ask yourself, “who am I who has been rich and poor and skinny and fat and young and old?” Touch the essence of your inner self that empowers the body to travel, communicate and have joy and pain. You cannot leave you. Reflect on the stages of life and delve into the essence of your being to uncover profound insights.


Cultivating Awareness

3.      Am I aware?

At this point of the inner journey, all that is required is ever-rising dedication to awareness. All things witnessed occur in the field of awareness, even when you are not aware of being aware. For instance, focus your attention to your hands. A moment ago you may not have been aware of the tingling vibration, but that has no bearing on the fact that it is there. Your awareness is not a requirement. Reality simply is, all by itself.

You are the ever present awareness that allows the life you to co-create from your thoughts and then with your body a material world. You yourself are not material. You are consciousness itself. Elevate your consciousness through dedicated awareness and witness the profound essence of existence.


Life's Indivisible Substance

Life then is ultimately the indivisible substance from which all things are created, through which all material things are experienced, but which is non-form or spiritual at its essence. The vast unified field of consciousness is by definition limitless, abundant, creative and at peace with itself. Consciousness modulates new and amazing experiences in awareness in every moment. This is the source of all things including peace, bliss and equanimity, which ipso facto brings us back to the beginning…the meaning of life! Understand life as the  harmonious essence from which all experiences emerge, transcending material forms.


The Path to Happiness and Spiritual Fulfillment

If you are actively searching for the meaning of life, there is likely some form of suffering you face. Loneliness, death, sickness and greed poison the unaware mind. When you awaken to the truth, loneliness becomes the sacred stillness, death is accepted as a stage of life and nothing to be feared, sickness can be healed and greed overcome. You are aware that all material expressions of life are impermanent. The mind shapes heaven or hell from life's experiences. The truth however, does not change. Practice the habit of knowing that your fundamental nature is inner peace.

The religious name for consciousness is God. All religions and spiritual traditions believe in the eternal unifying goodness that is life. Yet words and dogma are not necessary for transformation, only presence, stillness and silence, ie awareness.


The Universal Laws of Awakening

Rediscover the true essence of life and unlock the path to lasting happiness and spiritual fulfillment through the daily practice of universal laws of giving and receiving, relationships and self-actualization. Embrace the awakening journey and embody the eternal goodness within the vast expanse of consciousness. This is key. To go deeper read the spiritual classic, “The Universal Laws of Awakening” now available in audiobook as well as other formats on Amazon.

May all be continuously well with you on your awakening journey of happiness and remarkable wellbeing.

Royal Perceptions